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Fleet Management Software Transport Plus - Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Is the number of working places limited for the installation of the system?
Answer: There are no licensed limits for the number of working places.
Question: How long is the guarantee period? Can you propose a post guarantee support of the system?
Answer: The general guarantee period is 48 days long. There is also a post guarantee support of the system.
Question: Does this system work in integration with other systems?
Answer: The system may be integrated with Oracle e-business suite, SAP and other ERP systems, warehousing and accountancy programs. The presence of various interfaces is a prerequisite for a successful integration.
Question: Is it possible the passes to be print and used by the drivers at trip?
Answer: The passes generated by the system Transport Plus can be printed and used as a document as they have all the necessary attributes.
Question: Our company already has a GPS fleet control system. What will be the benefits if we implement the Transport Plus system?
Answer: The system Transport Plus completes the possibilities for GPS control system by integration and utilization of the received GPS information, CAN buses and other sensors.
Question: Can the system generate additional reports according to the client’s requirements?
Answer: At the implementation the company Rila Solutions offers a modification of a set of reports and a preparation of a several new ones according to the specific client’s needs.
Question: Can the fleet management system work on a client’s computer with an operating system different from Windows?
Answer: The current version of the Transport Plus system is compatible with all modern web browsers on various operating systems installed on the client’s computers – Windows, MacOs, and Linux. The system can also work on tablets.
Question: Does module Service comprise warehousing?
Answer: Transport Plus Team successfully developed a Warehouse Module, which serves the entire needs of Module Service. Module Service can also easily be integrated with external warehousing programs.
Question: Is the number of the supported by the system vehicles limited?
Answer: There are no licensed limits for the number of the supported by the system vehicles.
Question: Does the system work with languages different from the Bulgarian?
Answer: At this moment the system works using Bulgarian and English languages. It is possible to easily implement additional language modules.
Question: Is it possible to buy a separate module of the system?
Answer: Module Auto Park is compulsory for the regular work of the system. The client makes his choice from the other modules according to his specific needs.
Question: Is it possible to change functionalities of the system according to the client’s specific needs?
Answer: Additional changes of the system are possible. We have an excellent team of business analyzers who can write a proposal for changes of the system together with client's representatives. This proposal will afterwards be used by our developers as they make the needed changes.
Question: Do we need additional licenses for the installation of the system?
Answer: If the OS is Linux you will not need additional licenses for the installation. If the OS is Microsoft Windows you will therefore need a license.